Friday, October 2, 2020

Trump, The Presidential Debate, and the virulant anti-Trump Media

Trump's performance at the Presidential debate held on September 29, 2020 was awful. He kept interrupting and would not let Biden speak. One of the quick immediate takeaways that others made was that Trumps constant interruptions actually helped Biden, as Biden was not provided the opportunity to make his infamous gaffes. Unfortunately, that is now water-under-the-bridge to Trump's detriment.

Time makes a difference. In reading the reviews following the debate, it emerged that the this "debate" was a continuation of the incessant barrage of pejorative "questions" by the anti-Trump media. Lou Dobbs, of Fox News,  recently put together a montage of times where Wallace (the supposedly neutral moderator) started asking (four years ago) Trump about so-called White supremacy only to once again repeat that question at the debate. Trump had answered Wallace then, nevertheless Wallace went down the road of adversarial interaction demanding "clarification" from Trump. So it is quite unbelievable at the number of times Wallace had previously asked this question, yet he could not seem to "comprehend" Trump's response. Seems to be an example of Wallace playing stupid. Of course, at the time of the debate, I missed this as Trump was too busy interrupting.

Wallace also had the opportunity to insist that Biden answer the question of who he (Biden) would nominate to the Supreme Court. Biden told Wallace, in his face, that he would not answer that question. Essentially "kicking sand" into Wallace's face.  Wallace never followed-up on that.  Clearly, Wallace should have asked aggressively for "clarification".  This same issue appeared with fracking. Biden one day says the is against it the next that he is for it. Yet Wallace fails to ask for "clarification".  The purpose of these debates is to provide the voter with an opportunity to understand what the candidates for President plan to do. Biden, essentially stiffed the voters and Wallace failed to do his job, as moderator, of getting an answer from Biden.

Concerning Biden. Before the Presidential debate, Biden held several small scale interviews with reporters, where Biden only took a very very limited number of question. One such interview was absolutely appalling. It appeared as if the persons asking the questions were not real reporters but Democratic Party "operatives".  None of the "questions" asked of Biden concerned issues such as fracking and/or the Supreme Court. The (fake) questions were soft-ball opportunities for Biden to condemn Trump. Biden disclosed nothing of substance. Wallace should be censured by Fox News for this lack of journalistic integrity and outright bias against Trump.


The Wallace attack on Trump video has once again been deleted. That makes two times that the video has been subsequently "disappeared". 

Video unavailable
This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated.

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