Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Biden Throwing Israel Under the Bus

When Hamas invaded Israel on October 7, 2023, Biden sanctimoniously went on public TV to proclaim how the US would stand with Israel. No questions asked. The US and Israel were "blood bothers".

As expected and even predicted, as time progressed; Biden has slowly withdrawn his claimed unequivocal support of Israel. Biden has been calling for a ceasefire between Hamas and Israel for the claimed purpose of providing humanitarian aid to "innocent" Palestinians. This ignores the obvious fact that the Palestinians supported Hamas' invasion of Israel. Biden is also ignoring the fact that any humanitarian aid sent to Gaza will flow to Hamas which will allow Hamas to continue their terrorism. So why isn't Biden attempting to place sanctions on Hamas? Biden is giving Hamas a free pass by not imposing sanctions on Hamas' leadership. This will prolong the conflict resulting in evermore deaths.

Furthermore, Biden restored funding to the Palestinians Authority, and the UN (UNRWA). It was recently disclosed that some UNRWA employees were actively assisting Hamas with their invasion of Israel and other terrorist acts. So Biden is funding the terrorist acts by Hamas with US tax dollars. Biden has also interfered with Israel's military response to Hamas by calling for Israel to restrain its attacks despite the prior claims by Biden that he would not interfere with Israel's military decisions. Why should Israel restrain itself when Hamas won't? On February 8, 2024, Biden threw all pretense away of supporting Israel by publicly stating that Israel's response to Hamas' attack was "over the top". This also raises the concern that Biden has never called on Hamas to surrender.  As a supposed friend of Israel, it should have been easy for Biden to call on Hamas to surrender.  Biden is not a friend of Israel.

Biden A Disciple Of Putin

Biden went into a publicly broadcasted orchestrated "rage" for the benefit of the cameras concerning the alleged murder of Alexei Navalny under the direction of Russian dictator Putin. The unfortunate death of Navalny raises the irony that Bidin is mimicking Putin. Navalny was in political opposition to Putin. Putin allegedly had Navalny killed to remove that irritant to Putin's rule. In a similar manner, the Biden administration is aggressively attempting to figuratively "kill" Trump to remove him from the upcoming Presidential election based on his opposition to the Biden administration. Biden's rage over Navalny's death is laughable since Biden is essentially mimicking how Putin deals with the opposition.
As a sidebar. Biden is proposing to place sanctions on Russia for committing the heinous act of allegedly killing Navalny, who is one man. Biden, to my knowledge, has not placed any sanctions on Hamas (an organized terrorist organization consisting of thousands of people) for the barbarous murder of over 1,200 people and/or place sanctions of the people of Gaza for willing allowing (actually supporting) Hamas to commit those atrocious barbaric murders.

It is simply incredulous how Biden claims to support democracy while using the power of the state to cripple his political opposition. That is not how democracy works! Biden is mimicking Putin. Additionally, Biden wants to impose sanctions on Russia for the alleged murder of Navalny, but won't impose sanctions on Hamas for the atrocious murder of over 1,200 people. Biden is a petty vain shallow hypocrite.